JADECARE was recently presented at Europe’s leading digital healthcare event and congress, DMEA, in Berlin, Germany. DMEA (Digital Medical Expertise & Applications) – Connecting Digital Health, is an annual event aiming to promote digital networking across professions and domains, thus addressing upcoming and existing target groups in the health sector. DMEA offers a broad coverage including emerging topics such as progress on Artificial Intelligence (AI) based services in healthcare or recurrent themes like updates on Electronic Health Records’ (EHR) related achievements.

This years DMEA took place from 26 – 28 April 2022 at Berlin fairgrounds, being the first DMEA in physical presence since April 2019. It provided its audience onsite with inspiring keynotes, presentations and expert panels, exhibitions about current and future products, excursions to hospitals and research institutions and an extensive career and junior staff programs.

JADECARE was part of the congress session ‘’European projects – A chance for innovation or too complex for the reality of care?’’ scheduled for Wednesday, 27 April.  Overall, the session highlighted European eHealth initiatives, projects and development programs, as well as ambitious national programs which were reflected during the session with the aim to:

  • Provide an overview of new development initiatives within the EU.
  • Take concrete projects as an example by presenting the benefits and challenges of carrying out cross-border projects.
  • Highlight possibilities for initiating or taking part in European projects.

JADECARE was presented by Jon Txarramendieta (Kronikgune Institute for Health Services Research, Barakaldo, Spain) and Martina Rimmele (Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Nürnberg, Germany) under the headline’’Transfer and adoption of digitally enabled integrated person-centered care solutions across Europe – the JADECARE Joint Action“. The presentation highlighted the overall project structure, the principles of adapting original Good Practices to local practices and was has been achieved so far. With stakeholder involvement being particularly emphasised in project proceedings, special recognition was given to JADECARE High Level Policy Board and stakeholder meetings.

Next to JADECARE, the following projects were presented:

  • Digital Health initiatives and funding programs in Europe.
  • Clinnova precision medicine initiative involving leading university hospitals and private clinics in Luxembourg, France, Germany and Switzerland.
  • The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), a new European partnership for health under Horizon Europe.