Discover Join Action impact and results
The Joint Action (JA) on implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care (JADECARE) is part of a series of initiatives the EU has launched to face the challenges of the transformation of health and care in the EU. JADECARE intends to reinforce the capacity of health authorities to successfully address important aspects of health system transformation, in particular the transition to digitally enabled, integrated, person-centred care in the EU. For this purpose, 16 EU countries participate in JADECARE. In order to achieve these goals, four “Early Adopters” of original Good Practices support “Next Adopters”, i.e. participating regions of Member States to transfer the successful practices and generated knowledge into the healthcare systems of the participating partners.
[Read more: Background & Ambition]

Implementing four proven Good Practices of digitally enabled integrated care by 21 Next Adopters

These four original Good Practices stand for a bundle of proven practices and methods ready for being transferred to the Next Adopter health care organisations:
- Basque health strategy on ageing and chronicity: Integrated care (Basque Country, Spain)
- Catalan open innovation hub on ICT-supported integrated care services for chronic patients (Catalonia, Spain)
- The OptiMedis model – integrated population-based care (Germany)
- Digital roadmap towards an integrated health care sector (Southern Denmark Region)
By transferring these four practices, JADECARE proposes to strengthen the capacity of health authorities to successfully address all important aspects of the transformation of the health system towards digitally enabled, integrated and person-centred care.
NEWS update

JADECARE organizes its Final Conference within the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) 2023 to share the results and impact
The conference was held in Gastein (Austria) from 26 to 29 September 2023. The European Health Forum Gastein 2023 focused on addressing the problems faced by health systems before the advent of COVID, such as the transformation of primary care and social care, inequalities in access to care, or the ageing of the population and the increase in non-communicable diseases. Likewise, the so-called “subsequent permacrises” – including an ongoing pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the cost-of-living crisis and the climate emergency – have only...

3rd Consortium Meeting and Stakeholder Forum
JADECARE 3rd and final Consortium meeting was held on 27 September 2023 in Budapest (Hungary) in a hybrid format and with the participation of more than 60 people. The event served to ensure that the project was properly developed as far as the third year of the Joint Action, to foster knowledge exchange on Local Good Practices implementation among JADECARE partner and also to finally close the project and summarize the achievements of the three years of the Joint Action. The final project meeting also served to organize the last...

JOIN the 3rd JADECARE Stakeholder Forum “Implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care – Sustainability of implementations”
The Stakeholder Forums of JADECARE are intended to facilitate the exchange of experience and productive networking between the organizations participating in JADECARE and relevant Stakeholders. To this mean, external Stakeholders, including health system representatives, researchers and academia inte-rested in collaborating with the JA are encouraged to discuss the current status and achievements of JADECARE, emerging problems, but also further ideas, solutions and networking possibilities. Also, key health care...

JADECARE interactive workshop in Prague “Possibilities of applying JADECARE model practices” for experts in health and social care in the Czech Republic.
On Friday, June 23, 2023, a workshop focused on sharing experiences and outputs from the European project JADECARE (Joint Action on implementation of digitally enabled integrated person-centred care) was held in the Czech Republic. The workshop took place in the premises of the Patient Hub in Prague 10 – Vršovice and its was also mediated online and recorded. The aim of the project is to methodically scale up proven innovative integrated care practices and experiences from advanced regions in the EU, particularly in cooperation...