Recently, end of May and early June 2023, JADECARE spread the word on sustainabilty at a series of dedicated workshops at the International Conference on Integrated Care (@ICIC) 2023 and the EHMA – European Health Management Association Conference 2023.
  • In both events, members of the JADECARE Consortium from five EU countries shared the results and impact of the Joint Action that has targeted more than 4 million people at different levels: regionally, European-wide, and for future health policies.
  • Furthermore, the JADECARE Sustainability strategy was presented, which sets three core elements to ensure the continuity of good practices: policy environment, ownership of sustainability, and culture of collaboration and consensus-seeking.
  • In addition, at the two events, four implementing regions (so-called Next Adopters) presented the results of their local good practices’ implementation and their work to build sustainability beyond JADECARE.

Finally, a very interesting and enriching discussion amongst attendees was generated to discuss and prioritize the key principles to ensure the sustainability and scale-up of local good practices transferred beyond the end of the project.

In this conversation, the support of political leadership, the alignment to the larger scale of health system transformation, the definition of a clear vision and purpose of the practice, and the need to understand what matters to communities were highlighted!