The Stakeholder Forums of JADECARE are intended to facilitate the exchange of experience and productive networking between the organizations participating in JADECARE and relevant Stakeholders. To this mean, external Stakeholders, including health system representatives, researchers and academia inte-rested in collaborating with the JA are encouraged to discuss the current status and achievements of JADECARE, emerging problems, but also further ideas, solutions and networking possibilities. Also, key health care industries/developers are invited to contribute on how to enhance competitiveness and economic growth opportunities of EU industry.
The Topic of this years’ virtual JADECARE Stakeholder Forum is:
“Digitally enabled integrated person-centred care – Sustainability of implementations“
Download full agenda  JADECARE’s 3rd Stakeholder Forum Agenda

 Join us for an insightful and intriguing meeting and discussion. There is no fee.
Please register via the following link:
After registration you will get an automatic confirmation with the zoom access link to the meeting.
Looking forward to meet you virtually on our 3rd JADECARE Stakeholder Forum.

Agenda Items                                      
Welcome and opening13:00-13:10Prof. Miklós Szócska (Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre, SUHSMTC, Hungary) Dr. Ane Fullaondo (Kronikgune Institute for Health Services Research, KG, Spain)

Moderator: Dr. Martina Rimmele (Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, LGL, Germany)

Expert speaker presentation
Tbc “Pressure points and solutions for person-centred integrated care supported by digital tools and pathways “13: 10-13:45


Donna Henderson (Technology Enabled Care, TEC, Scotland)


JADECARE –the Joint Action
General presentation and overview of JADECARE with project, implementations and impact achievements13:45-14:00Yhasmine Hamu (Kronikgune Institute for Health Services Research, KG, Spain)
Local Good Practices/Local Action Plans implemented by Next Adopters: sharing experience, learnings and sustainability actions and plans  of Next Adopter implementers


Next Adopter implementing features of oGP  Basque country


Next Adopter implementing features of oGP  Catalonia


Next Adopter implementing features of oGP  OptiMedis


Next Adopter implementing features of oGP  RSD
























Agenzia Regionale Sanitaria Tuscany (ARS Tuscany, Italy)



Semmelweis University Health Services Management Training Centre (SU-HSMTC)



Dienststelle Selbstbestimmtes Leben, (DSL, Belgium)



Salud de Castilla y León (SACYL, Spain)

Coffee break14:40:14:50 
Panel discussion and Participants Discussion
Regarding Stakeholder involvement and needs to make digital solutions sustainable that are supporting integrated patient-centred care pathways, in order to make them an everyday reality in their systems:

·   Which examples of JADECARE of digital solutions in order to enhance integrated patient centred care sustainably did you find most imitable and ready for roll-out and why?

·   What do Stakeholders still need (what do they still miss, which tools would support)

·   Which other best examples of digital solutions in order to enhance integrated patient centred care sustainably can you present


5’ per expert statement

Dr. Antoni Dedeu (WHO Europe)

Prof. Miklós Szócska (SU-HSMTC, Hungary)

Marc Lange (European Health Telematics Association, EHTEL, EU)

Sergio González, (European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Health, Spain)



All panellists, All speakers

Online audience


Regarding greater integration of health and social care services including patients and care givers, elaborating on challenges and new developments in Europe for integrated value health and social care services



5’ per expert statement


Donna Henderson (TEC, Scotland)

Dr. Ewout van Ginneken (European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Berlin)

Dr. Albert Alonso (Intl. Foundation for Integrated Care, ICIC)

Tbc: Dr. Jan Pfeiffer (European Expert Group on Transition of institutional to community-based care)


All panellists, All speakers

Online audience

Wrap up Results and Conclusion of Forum15:50–16:00Dr. Martina Rimmele (LGL)

Join us and discuss with us the current status and achievements of JADECARE, relevant challenges for digitally enabled integrated person-centred care in Europe, but also further ideas, solutions, networking possibilities as well as ways to enhance competitiveness and economic growth opportunities of EU industry.